Source code for base.views
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The most common views for the whole project.
This makes use of flask's [pluggable views](
:copyright: \(c) 2012 by Roman Semirook.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from flask.templating import render_template
from flask.views import MethodView
from flask import flash, redirect, request, url_for
from flask.ext.login import login_user, login_required, logout_user
from ext import login_manager
from base import base
from base.forms import LoginForm
from base.models import User
[docs]class FrontView(MethodView):
Tha application front page.
Just renders the template :file:`templates/base/main.html`
[docs] def get(self):
return render_template('base/main.html')
base.add_url_rule('', view_func=FrontView.as_view('front_page'))
[docs]class LoginView(MethodView):
_messages = {'success': 'You are the boss!',
'invalid_auth': 'Who are you?',
'invalid_form': 'Invalid form.',
[docs] def get(self):
Handles the HTTP GET requests (overriding :meth:`MethodView.get`) .
:return: The rendered login form page.
return render_template('login.html', form=LoginForm())
[docs] def post(self):
Handles the HTTP POST requests (overriding :meth:``) .
If the form was correctly filled and the user password validates
(through :meth:`~base.models.User.check_password`),
calls :func:`flask.ext.login.login_user`,
emits a flash message of success and redirects the request to
the `next` parameter or the home page if not specified.
Otherwise, emits errors as flash messages and renders the login page again.
:return: On error, renders the login page, but redirects to value of `next` or home page on success.
form = LoginForm()
if not form.validate_on_submit():
return render_template('login.html', form=form)
user = User.get_by_email(
if user and user.check_password(
return redirect(url_for('base.login'))
return redirect(request.args.get('next') or url_for('base.front_page'))
base.add_url_rule('login', view_func=LoginView.as_view('login'))
login_manager.login_view = 'base.login'
login_manager.login_message = 'You have to log in to access this page.'
[docs]def load_user(user_id):
We need to provide a :meth:`~flask.ext.login.LoginManager.user_loader` callback to the login manager.
This callback is used to reload the user object from the user ID stored in the session.
It should return `None` (**not raise an exception**) if the ID is not valid.
(In that case, the ID will manually be removed from the session and processing
will continue.)
This is done by calling :meth:`~base.models.User.get_by_id`)
:param user_id: the unicode ID of a user
:return:the corresponding user object
return User.get_by_id(user_id)
[docs]def logout():
calls func:`flask.ext.login.logout_user`, and redirects to home page.
:return: redirects to home page
return redirect(url_for('base.front_page'))
base.add_url_rule('logout', view_func=logout, methods=['POST'])