Source code for settings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Global settings for project.

Note some Kit-specific settings.

  * `BLUEPRINTS` is a list of registered blueprints.
  * `CONTEXT_PROCESSORS` is a list of registered context processors.
  *     `EXTENSIONS` is a list of registered extensions.

Flask Kit will automatically register blueprints specified in the `BLUEPRINTS`
list for you. Behaviour for `CONTEXT_PROCESSORS` and `EXTENSIONS` lists is the same.

The notation is `package.module.object` or `package.object` if object is in the ``.
Look into the file for examples.

    :copyright: \(c) 2012 by Roman Semirook.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

import os

[docs]class BaseConfig(object): """ see also: :py:attr:`flask.Flask.default_config` """ DEBUG = False SECRET_KEY = "MY_VERY_SECRET_KEY" SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////tmp/test.db' CSRF_ENABLED = True ROOT_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) BLUEPRINTS = ['base.base', '', ] "a list of registered blueprints." EXTENSIONS = ['ext.db', 'ext.assets', 'ext.login_manager', 'ext.gravatar', 'ext.toolbar', ] "a list of registered extensions." CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ['base.context_processors.common_context', 'base.context_processors.navigation', 'base.context_processors.common_forms', ] "a list of registered context processors"
[docs]class DevelopmentConfig(BaseConfig): """ During development, we want to enable debugging and profiling. """ DEBUG = True DEBUG_TB_PROFILER_ENABLED = True DEBUG_TB_INTERCEPT_REDIRECTS = False
[docs]class TestingConfig(BaseConfig): """ Designed for running tests, it uses an in-memory sqlite database. >>> app = AppFactory(TestingConfig).get_app("my-tests") """ TESTING = True SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///:memory:'