Global settings for project.
Note some Kit-specific settings.
- BLUEPRINTS is a list of registered blueprints.
- CONTEXT_PROCESSORS is a list of registered context processors.
- EXTENSIONS is a list of registered extensions.
Flask Kit will automatically register blueprints specified in the BLUEPRINTS list for you. Behaviour for CONTEXT_PROCESSORS and EXTENSIONS lists is the same.
The notation is package.module.object or package.object if object is in the Look into the file for examples.
copyright: (c) 2012 by Roman Semirook. license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
Bases: object
see also: flask.Flask.default_config
a list of registered blueprints.
a list of registered context processors
a list of registered extensions.
Bases: settings.BaseConfig
During development, we want to enable debugging and profiling.
Bases: settings.BaseConfig
Designed for running tests, it uses an in-memory sqlite database.
>>> app = AppFactory(TestingConfig).get_app("my-tests")